Sofyann Ben Youssef – the man-orchestra behind the Ammar 808 project – first drew on his roots in North Africa with the opus Maghreb United. Then to India, for the album Global Control / Invisible Invasion, before immersing himself in the voodoo traditions of African lands with his third album Super Stambeli. Each time, Ammar 808 plunges us into a world of rhythms, loops and mythologies, the better to enter the heart of the trance, in a whirlwind of exuberant sounds, between organic music and electronic beats. With this new project, Sofyann plunges us into an adaptation of « stambeli », a therapeutic musical ritual illustrating the diversity and complexity of North African identity. Animist practices inspired by the natural elements give rise to a sonic and sensitive experience, supported by percussion, synthesizers and traditional instruments.